November 16, 2006

Taking things to the next level


We are very excited to let everyone know that we've just launched the Inch-Hi Motorports online store. And now as of 11/20/2006 it's up and fully functional.

Check out the apparel and other items that have been customized with team logos and pictures and remember, all proceeds from the sale of these goods benefit two very deserving causes. One being the Help Sam secure an Indy Car ride Foundation as well as the Help Sam's dad retire with the shirt on his back Fund

To access the site go to
  • Inch-Hi Motorsports Online Store
  • 2006 Awards Banquet


    The Badger Kart Club held it's annual awards banquet on Nov. 11 at Olympia Village Resort in Oconomowoc, WI this past weekend. This year was quite special for us for several reasons.

    First was the fact that Sam finished second in points in both the HPV Jr. Sportsman class and in the Junior Summer Series. The runner-up trophy is a monster. Sam was barely taller than it! The Junior Summer Series, as always, had great things to give away to all participants this year. Terry Thomas and everyone who put together this program deserve to take a bow. They really go out of their way to assure that the drivers in this series are always well taken care of.

     My wife and many others were recognized for all of their hard work and dedication to the club this past year. These were all individuals who went above and beyond what is asked of us as members. Shirley Howard is a great gal and rarely is there a case where she has all the help that she needs at any of our events. A core group of ladies has always been available to her to lend a hand when needed, and this night was Shirley's way of saying thanks to all of them. Everyone here at Inch-Hi Motorsports would like to say thanks to her as well for all that she's done for us this year and for keeping our club one of the most affordable ways to go racing in the country. We're going to be sad to leave them in '07 but we'll stop back from time to time to run with old friends.

    The final reason that this year was so special for us, and definitely the most important, was the fact that we got to celebrate this night with other family members as well. We had a packed table this year. Both my wife's, and my parents were on hand as well as my sister and two aunts. The food was good and the awards ceremony was long but all of us had a good time being together to celebrate the end of another season. Like I've mentioned before we'll miss this next year as our plan now is to try our hand on the national level. Who knows, if the WKA brings back kart week at Daytona International Speedway between Christmas and New Years we might manage to get everyone down there together for that. Christmas in Florida? I'm in!

    And now a final look at Badger Kart Club's 2006 HPV Jr. Sportsman runner-up, Sam Marmurowicz.