More than six weeks after we finished our last race we returned to the Badger Kart Club this past weekend with what we hoped to be a new lease on our racing life. Past problems with our ability to keep a chain on our vehicle resulted in five DNF's (Did not finish) which began back in July at round three of the Midwest Sprint Series.
Driver and crew are happy to report to you today that it seems we finally got it right. All five sessions of the day resulted in a kart that left the pits under power and returned in the same fashion. Although more speed would have been a welcomed addition, we'll take just finishing a race as a victory for now.
A very special thanks must be given to Jim at CKT Racing in St. Charles Illinois. If it wasn't for his years of experience and the state of the art equipment at his facility we may never have found our problem. I urge anyone who encounters any chassis issues to stop beating your head against the wall and call him. He'll definitely save you an enormous amount of your sanity and get you back out on the track in no time at all.
So with that we come to our season closer in one week. Like usual, you get to this part of the year and emotions run from disappointment that it's all coming to an end to...well, relief that it's all coming to an end! Our position in the points standing should be pretty much tied up so to just go out and better ourselves will be the main mission. We'll try our best at doing much more than that and hope we see you all at the track for our send off.