This past Sunday we posted another 2nd place finish and bettered our time to within .03 of a second of our class record. As happy as we all are on the tremendous amount of progress we've made, it's bittersweet in the fact that once the front runners return from their trek to Pennsylvania that record is more than likely to fall in the mid 38 second range. No worries though as we'll be there very soon ourselves.
Sam and I really have to thank Dan and Travis Kosik alot for our recent successes. If it wasn't for them showing up at the track over the past two weekends we very well may not have improved as fast as we did. Travis is a great kid who's very friendly and knowledgeable, and not opposed to sharing tips with other people. And because Sam and Travis are so close when it comes to their times around Badger, this helped motivate Sam and gave him something to shoot for.
A big thank you also goes out to Laukaitis Racing Engines for getting us a carb in the 11th hour. The problems that we've been experiencing over the past three weeks are just about gone and with the new carburetor that he supplied us for this weekend we were able to post a personal fast time of 39.05 in HPV Jr. Thanks again Kent.
So technically after this weekend we are leading the points in our class. Although we did not set out this season to chase points in the club it would be a nice caveat if we were to win it. There are several drivers who could put an end to this for us real quick if they decided to enter a few more races between now and October. If this does happen though we won't mind, we'll take the competition over an easy win any day.