This past November the Badger Kart Club hosted it's annual awards banquet again at the Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc Wisconsin. As in years past everyone in attendance was treated to a fine night of food and festivities leading up to the awards ceremony.
This year we got the big one! Class Champion in HPV Jr. and although I myself voted earlier in the year for a change in the awards, mainly to something more compact, the monster that we were given put smiles on everyone's faces. With the biggest grin coming from Sam. Another nice caveat in being bestowed this honor was the jacket that all class champions were given. Sam still has it hung in his room as a part of his shrine of past accomplishments. It's a nice looking jacket that probably is equally nice to wear but something tells me it won't leave the Hall of Fame any time soon.
So until we can repeat it again next year we have a fair amount of work to do. In the weeks following the holidays we'll start the long methodical process of stripping the kart down to a bare frame and rebuilding it. And hopefully several weeks and a handsome amount of money later, we'll be able to do it once more.
Happy Holidays to everyone.