Points Race #14 at Dousman this past weekend left a bit to be desired. We managed to run our fastest time of the season thus far, a 39.44, but couldn't seem to put anyone behind us in the process.
We had a good turnout for a change with ten entries in our class. Coming off our high from the Road America event we felt confident in our abilities to finally run with the faster drivers who might otherwise ignore us on any other weekend. That wasn't to be the case since all of our efforts to repeat our performance of just two weeks prior proved fruitless. We had to settle for tenth out of ten drivers.
We are optimistic in our hopes of possibly getting down to the times we enjoyed last season but with only one race left on our schedule, that may prove to be too little too late. We'll definitely give it our all but a recent slip in the point standings to fifth might be what we'll have to settle for. We'll keep you posted.